Team Profile: Portland Rosebuds

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Check out The Portland Rosebuds Homepage HERE!

It’s an exciting year for Portland baseball fans as the Portland Rosebuds will be joining the Wild Wild West League for the first time this year! They will have the opportunity to debut their talent this upcoming summer at Walker Stadium as a new team.

The Portland Rosebuds were recently founded and are inspired by the Negro league team of the same name that played a season at Vaughn Street Park Portland in 1946. The Portland Rosebuds are an often overlooked, but important part of Portland’s baseball history.

The 1946 Rosebuds were owned by Olympic track and field athlete and four-time gold medalist, Jesse Owens. Owens played an essential role in the formation of the six-team West Coast Baseball League. While Portland was one location, three of the other teams in the league were located in sunny California and the other in Seattle, Washington.

Despite that league being disbanded after only two months, the Portland Rosebuds have another opportunity to play and showcase their talent as an official team of the Wild Wild West League.


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